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目盲闪光 blinding flash

烟雾术 cloud of smoke

死亡恍惚 death trance

辨识魔法 decipher magic

日光球 globe of daylight

增重术 increase weight

看破气场 see aura

看破隐形 see the invisible

感知邪恶 sense evil

感知魔法 sense magic

轰雷术 thunderclap

腹语术 ventriloquism


糊涂术 befuddle

避役术 chameleon

攀爬术 climb

隐匿术 concealment

侦测隐匿 detect concealment

灭火术 extinguish fire

漂浮术 levitation

骇人喘息 heavy breathing

警报术 mystic alarm

斥退亡灵 turn dead

失重术 weightlessness


伊森之甲 armor of ithan

无气呼吸 breath without air

能量箭 energy bolt

妖精交谈 faerie speak

风掌术 fingers of the wind

浮空术 float in air

助燃术 Fuel Flame

点燃 ignite fire

火焰免疫 impervious to fire

毒素免疫 impervious to poison

简易隐形术 invisibility:simple

中和毒素 negate poison/toxin

次级瘫痪术 paralysis:lesser

抵抗火焰 resist fire

看破雕纹 see wards

感知陷阱 sense traps

念力咒 telekinesis


星界投影 Astral Projection ( 10)

目盲术 Blind (8)

黏毯术 Carpet of Adhesion (10)

魅力气场 Charismatic Aura (10)

次级疾病疗愈术 Cure Minor Disorders ( 10)

能量场 Energy Field (10)

火焰箭 Fire Bolt (10)

愚人金 Fool's Gold (10)

地脉广播 Ley Line Transmission (30)

魔网术 Magic Net (7)

多重幻象 Multiple Image (7)

斥退动物 Repel Animals (7)

封闭术 Seal (7)

融影咒 Shadow Meld (10)

次级游鱼术 Swim as a Fish(minor) (6)

催眠术 Trance (10)


寻呼术 Calling (8)

魅惑术 Charm (12)

火环术 Circle of Flame (10)

统御术 Domination (10)

能量溃散 Energy Disruption (15)

逃脱术 Escape (8)

透特之眼 Eyes of Thoth (8)

飞行术 Fly (15)

治愈伤口 Heal Wounds (10)

恐怖幻景 Horrific Illusion (10)

纫衣咒 Mend Cloth (12)

贝西摩斯之型 Size of the Behemoth (12)

沉睡术 Sleep (10)

超人之速 Superhuman Speed (10)

超人之力 Superhuman Strength (10)


活化物品 Animate Object (15)

造影术 Apparition (20)

呼召雷霆 Call Lightning (15)

强迫咒 Compulsion (20)

野兽操控术 Control the Beasts (18)

治愈疾病 Cure Illness (15)

造食术 Create Bread & Milk (15)

侦测毒药 Detect Poison (10)

火球术 Fire Ball (10)

炎拳咒 Fire Fist (15)

免疫能量 Impervious to Energy (20)

魔鸽术 Magic Pigeon (20)

存忆咒 Memory Bank (12)

自身微缩术 Reduce Self (20)

高级游鱼术 Swim as a Fish: Superior (12)

次级传送术 Teleport: Lesser (15)

时跃 Time Slip (20)

巧言术 Tongues (12)

真实之言 Words of Truth (15)


剧痛术 Agony (20)

活化&控制尸体 Animate & Control Dead (20)

隐匿之环 Circle of Concealment (15 or 1 00)

牵制咒 Constrain Being (20)

驱散魔法造物 Dispel Magic Barriers (20)

鹰扬术 Fly as the Eagle (25)

静默球 Globe of Silence (20)

自愈术 Heal Self (20)

固定咒 Immobilize (25)

高级隐形术 Invisibility: Superior (20)

有限无敌术 Invulnerability: Limited (25)

生命汲取术 Life Drain (25)

动物变形术 Metamorphosis: Animal (25)

净化术 Purification (20)

千里眼 Second Sight (25)

风袭 Wind Rush (20)

相位转移 Wink-Out (20+)

巫瓶咒 Witch Bottle (28)

透视咒 X-Ray Vision (25)


灵体交流术 Commune with Spirits (25)

驱魔咒 Exorcism (30)

狼眼术 Eyes of the Wolf (25)

Hallucination (30)

定位术 Locate (30)

爱之魅惑 Love Charm (40)

运气诅咒 Luck Curse (40)

人脸变形术 Metamorphosis: Human (40)

次级诅咒 Minor Curse (35)

失效 Negate Magic (30)

神谕术 Oracle (30)

感知维度异常 Sense Dimensional Anomaly (30)

疾病术 Sickness (50)

腐败术 Spoil (30)

化石为肉 Stone to Flesh (30)

Time Capsule (30)

困惑之鞭 Wisps of Confusion (40)